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Martini Runtime installation

This page will discuss how to install the Runtime Edition of Martini on macOS, Linux, and Windows machines.

Hardware and software requirements

Please make sure you have met Martini's prerequisites for seamless installation.

Develop applications on Martini Desktop

To develop and manage applications, you will need Martini Desktop. Using Martini Desktop, you can deploy your applications to a Martini Runtime instance.

Purchasing and downloading

To use the Runtime Edition of Martini, you must subscribe to a Martini Runtime Edition plan. To subscribe, follow the steps below:

Purchasing a Martini Runtime Edition plan

  1. Go to the TORO Marketplace website and log in. You will automatically be redirected to the Account Dashboard page.
  2. Click Subscriptions, and then Martini Desktop & Runtime from the menu on the left.
  3. Click Add Subscription.

    A quicker way to do steps #1 to #3

    An alternative way to accomplish steps #1 to #3 is by visiting this link and logging in.

  4. Select which plan you'd like to subscribe to, and how you would like to pay for it (billing cycle is either annually or monthly). The Martini Runtime Edition has three plans available: Branch, Corporate, and Enterprise. Once done, you can continue the checkout process

  5. Provide your billing address and payment method.
  6. Read and agree to the terms of agreement. If you agree to the terms, you will be able to click on Submit.
  7. Once submitted, you will be redirected to the downloads page. Download the installer which matches the operating system of your choice.

Fresh installation

If you've never installed Martini before or would like to do a clean install of Martini, follow the steps under the respective section of your machine's OS.

Administrator user

For a smooth installation procedure, ensure you are logged in as an Administrator or root user, or have at least the necessary permissions needed to install Martini, especially if you'd like to install Martini as a service.

To install Martini on macOS, you must:

  1. Mount the downloaded Martini disk image file (Martini Runtime [version]) by double clicking on it.
  2. Launch the installation wizard by double-clicking on Martini Runtime Installer seen in the mounted folder.
  3. Choose the language that you'd like to use.
  4. Enter your credentials (if asked).
  5. Follow the installation procedures.

macOS installation procedures

Warnings that appear when trying to install Martini on macOS

Depending on your version of macOS, you may get a warning when trying to install Martini. Some examples of warning messages include:

  • The app wasn't downloaded from the App Store.
  • Apple can't check it for malicious software.
  • Apple cannot verify the developer.

An example macOS warning

macOS still allows you to install Martini with these warnings. To open the installer:

  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Click on Security & Privacy.
  3. Click on the Open Anyway button.

macOS Open Anyway button

To install Martini on Linux, you must:

  1. cd to the directory where the shell executable file is located using a command-line application.
  2. Use the following command to open the setup wizard:


    Install with CLI instead of GUI

    To install Martini Runtime in a CLI environment (or headless server) instead of using a GUI, add a -c flag for console mode, or a -q flag for unattended mode.

     //console mode
     sh -c
     // unattended mode
     sh -q 
  3. Enter your credentials (if asked).

  4. Choose the language that you'd like to use.
  5. Follow the installation procedures.

Linux installation procedures

To install Martini on Windows, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the executable installer file to launch the Martini setup wizard.
  2. Confirm to run the installer (if asked).
  3. Choose the language that you'd like to use.
  4. Enter your credentials (if asked).
  5. Follow the installation procedures in the wizard.

Windows installation procedures

Install a new license

After installing Martini Runtime, you might have to generate a license; or if you already have a license generated, you will need to install it.

Updating an existing installation

To update an existing installation using the installer:

  1. Download the new version of the Martini installer for your operating system.
  2. Open the downloaded executable file and launch the Martini setup wizard using the same procedures described in the fresh installation instructions.
  3. After following the standard procedures, the installer will ask if you'd like to update the existing installation. Choose 'Yes'.

Updating an existing installation

Overwriting files

The wizard will ask you if you would like to have the following files be overwritten or not:

Ready to start your Martini instance?

Learn all the available methods for launching Martini instances.